Experimenta un viaje de un día hacia el bienestar con Revibe
Aprende y practica las herramientas más poderosas para optimizar el rendimiento, mejorar la concentración y controlar el estrés con nuestro método único.
Nuestro retiro de hombres el domingo brinda un ambiente de apoyo donde los hombres pueden explorar libremente sus desafíos y aspiraciones, fomentando la camaradería y el entendimiento entre pares. De manera similar, el retiro de mujeres del sábado ofrece un espacio seguro y empoderador para que las mujeres se conecten, compartan experiencias y crezcan juntas.
Estos retiros específicos de género están diseñados para abordar las necesidades y experiencias únicas de cada grupo, creando una experiencia más personalizada y profundamente resonante para todos los participantes.




9:30 am
Sesión de Bienvenida
10:00 am
Sesión de Terapia de Respiración
11:00 am
Clase de Movilidad y Equilibrio
12:30 pm
Entrenamiento Subacuático
2:30 pm
Break para un Light Lunch
3:00 pm
Charla de Acondicionamiento Mental
3:30 pm
Sesión de Respiración
4:00 pm
Terapia de Hielo
5:30 pm
Break Snack
6:00 pm
Charla de Reflexión en el Fuego

Esta experiencia es para ti si quieres…
Alcanzar altos niveles de energía y motivación
Gana claridad mental para tomar mejores decisiones
Potenciar tu productividad y optimizar tu atención y concentración
Reducir el estrés y la ansiedad mientras entrenas tu mente y cuerpo
Liberar todo tu potencial y convertirte en la mejor versión de ti mismo

Ricardo Gonsalves
Ricardo ha dedicado la mayor parte de su vida profesional a desarrollar y gestionar proyectos empresariales exitosos en la industria de los deportes acuáticos y la televisión. Como hombre de agua, Ricardo siempre ha buscado mejorar el rendimiento y el bienestar general para tener una vida feliz.
Junto con el equipo asesor de Revibe, ha curado y adaptado muchos años de experiencia para desarrollar la primera pista de desempeño oceánico del mundo centrada en la seguridad y la adaptación oceánica.
XPT Certified Coach XPT
Water Pro Certified Coach
Surfer, Kiteboarder, Foilsurfer, Freediver
B.W.R.A.G Big Wave Risk Assessment Certified
American Safety and Health Institute CPR certified
AIDA L3 Freediver

Cecilia Pietri
Cecilia es entrenadora de bienestar certificada, cofundadora de Revibe y entrenadora principal de terapia de respiración. Como alguien que vive una vida fluida y conectada consigo misma, su comunidad y la naturaleza, Cecilia empodera a otros para que cultiven estilos de vida conscientes para que puedan vivir la vida de sus sueños.
Certified BREATHE™️ coach by Dr. Belisa Vranich
Certified Health Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN)
XPT Breathing Certified Coach XPT
Deep End Fitness Instructor
U Natural Method Instructor
Mindfulness Certified
Bars - Access Consciousness Certification
Conscious Parenting Certification
Nuestra exclusiva locación es un santuario rodeado por un bosque protegido, que cuenta con una revitalizante piscina de manantial natural con el agua dulce más pura. Este lugar espacioso y seguro brinda el escenario perfecto para reconectarse y dejarse seducir por la energía más elevada. Como hemos experimentado, es como entrar en una fuente de juventud, que ofrece la puerta de entrada ideal con los cuatro elementos para practicar las herramientas más avanzadas en el camino hacia el bienestar.

What is the Flow to the ocean®️ Program?It is a Program consisting mainly of breathwork protocols, balance conditioning methods & Underwater trainings with special Safety procedures, to share the benefits of life in around the ocean. Our Flow to the ocean®️ Program is constantly adapting to communicate, simplify, improve and curate proven tools and protocols that will work for anybody who is in the search for optimal performance, overall happiness and "flow" in their lives. We have tailored advanced physical & MENTAL training methods and techniques to create a dynamic, engaging and increasingly challenging FUN program in the ocean. In the ocean things are special and different from a pool, and for that reason our board of advisors are watermen who know the advantages and risks of working in our most primitive element, the sea.
Who is our Flow to the ocean®️ Program for?This is a journey. The Revibe Experience is different for everyone and we all have our own starting points for each method and objective. Flow to the ocean®️ has been crafted for sport enthusiasts and athletes seeking for a fun and challenging health and wellness experience. The recipe drives your ability to adapt, to perform, and our approach empowers you to strengthen and elevate the quality of your everyday life
What will you learn?- How to improve your capabilities of setting and conquering objectives, by exploring new limits. - How to control overall anxiety & stress through breathwork and exposure to a variety of natural elements and environments. -Tap into the secrets of the most elite water athletes. -Breathing for performance ( Exercises ). -How to use breath protocols for real life situations. -How to move efficiently underwater. -Learn how to drop your brain wave activity before entering the water. -Learn how to oxygenate your blood for the best single breath. -Dealing with CO2 tolerance/urge to breathe. -Learn how to instantly release stress/tension from your mind and body. -Learn signs and signals that happen to your body when underwater. -Correct Equalization for diving. -How to maximize your breath-hold time underwater.
How do I join a Revibe Session?Visit www.flowtotheocean.com/book-online
What are the benefits?Water activities can provide an excellent boost to your health and offer several benefits that ground exercises just don’t give. -Exercising underwater allows minimal impact: While running is an outstanding aerobic exercise, it can be difficult on your joints, especially as you get older or if you have pre-existing conditions. The buoyancy of water reduces this harmful impact, allowing you to get your heart rate up with a far lower risk of injury. Swimming is an especially useful exercise for those that are recovering from joint or muscle injuries that prevent them from running or jumping. -Increased Resistance: In addition to reducing the impact on your joints, swimming can actually help you burn more calories than other intense cardio workouts. This is thanks to the extra resistance that is provided by the water. In this regard, swimming can double as a cardio workout and a weight training exercise, as the resistance can promote a significant amount of muscle growth. The best part is that you can adjust the resistance by using different strokes or positions, letting you customize your workout without using several sets of weights. -Improved Mobility: Whether you are suffering from limited mobility due to age or previous injuries, swimming can provide you with the therapy you need to become more agile. With each session, your joints will become stronger and your ability to move will continually improve. This will translate to other areas of life, and you will likely notice that you have far greater mobility both in the water and on land. -Naturally Cooling: Because the water temperature is lower than that of your body, you’ll remain nice and cool while you work out. Working up a sweat while running can be exhausting and may take a long time to recover from. When you get tired while swimming, you are already in cool water and won’t need to take as many breaks between laps. -Better Balance: Water helps to support your weaker muscles, as you improve your ability to stabilize yourself. It also helps strengthen your core, which translates to better overall balance whether swimming or standing on solid ground. -Whole body workout: One of the best parts of swimming is that it strengthens your entire body. Your legs, arms, back, and core will all be getting a significant workout when you start doing laps in the pool. No matter what motions you are performing, you are getting some level of resistance from the water, promoting muscle growth and oxygenation. This helps you to not only lose weight but to gain tone, mass, and definition in muscles across your entire body. Swimming is truly one of the greatest whole-body workouts, and all it requires is access to a pool or other body of water!
Are Revibe Sessions safe?All our Revibe instructors are CPR/First Aid Certified and are expected to maintain their certifications. As you will be taught during our course, various breath practices such as super ventilation and breath holding can call significant feelings and sensations which under controlled situations can be beneficial. Understanding of our methods during training is essential for keeping you safe. Nobody is expecting anything of you. We are all here to give you the proper tools so that you can challenge yourself at your own pace. With that being said, there are certain rules we must highlight to ensure everyone is always accounted for. The following rules should be followed, communicated, and reinforced during every training session: -Be Mindful -Never train alone -Eyes on your partner at all times, -Do not hyperventilate (in or near the water).
Our Values-Respect the ocean & the environment. -Share your knowledge, we are all learning and evolving. -Be on time! "Ocean Time" is like going to therapy. -Be present, prepare for the water, use the right gear and always be safe. -You should leave here feeling better than you walked in, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. -If you push further than you thought you were capable, and you had fun,...then you have won the day. -Negativity towards yourself, or others, will not be tolerated. -We are here to create a sacred space, free of judgement, a Garden for the Soul.
Is Revibe suitable for anybody?Our sessions are 100% suitable for anyone that just wants to feel better in and out of the water. We are a community, and We are about sharing useful information. We understand that everybody performs in a different way, so our programs are tailor-made for you own objetives. Our workouts are challenging but enjoyable, leaving us with a sense of accomplishment that keeps us wanting to come back for more. Most important of all, we leave with useful tools under our belt.
What does the sessions provide?All Revibe Levels are different. Please check each LEVEL for details. We provide all the equipment necessary Mask and Snorkels. We do not provide Wetsuits. During winter we recommend the use of wetsuits, even in Florida the water can get chilly. If you dont have one you can purchase a good & not expensive one in a Surfshop anywhere.
How athletic do I need to be to do a Revibe session?REVIBE Sessions have different levels. All student complete a medical history form that asks about medical conditions that could be a problem while attending an REVIBE Session. If none of these apply, you’re ready to start. If any of the conditions apply to you, your doctor must, as a safety precaution, assess the condition as it relates to freediving and sign a medical form that confirms you’re fit to dive.
Who are the Instructors & Contributors to the course?During the last 10 years, Ricardo Gonsalves and Adrian Real have been searching for the best training guidance to optimize performance and found it through XPT's unique underwater resistance workouts and lifestyle. Currently living in Miami Beach, they are passionate about all the benefits humans can obtain through activities in the ocean. They are inspired and share the vision of Laird Hamilton where learning and adapting to all conditions is the only way for us to become the most resilient human beings on earth. They firmly believe that REVIBE has succeeded in its mission to help others learn new tools to live a happy and healthy life, so they work hard to do the same around their families and kids. RICARDO GONSALVES Revibe Co-Founder Ricardo is an experienced entrepreneur who has dedicated most of his professional life to develop and manage successful business projects in Watersports and Television industry. In his native country, Venezuela, he has been a pioneer and promoter of Watersports and Action Tourism destinations. XPT Certified Coach XPT Water Pro Certified Coach Surfer, Kiteboarder, Foilsurfer, Freediver B.W.R.A.G Big Wave Risk Assessment Certified American Safety and Health Institute CPR certified AIDA L3 Freediver ADRIAN REAL Revibe Co-Founder Entrepreneur, IT Consultant and Creative Director for Fortune 500 Companies, small businesses and government agencies in the US, Latin America and the Caribbean for global brands in the entertainment and telecommunications industry. Adrian is passionate about the ocean and traveling to surf destinations. XPT Certified Coach XPT Water Pro Certified Coach PADI Freediver Level 1 Certified B.W.R.A.G Big Wave Risk Assessment Certified American Safety and Health Institute CPR certified AIDA L3 Freediver ADVISORS: CARLOS COSTE: 12X world record holder first human to surpass 100 meters deep on a single breath (Unnasisted freediving disciplines). Coste has has achieved multiple Guinness World Records and has won a World Championship during his career as a freediver. His freediving program works with the 5 keys to success, with a methodology to meet goals, to face challenges and overcome obstacles through his experiences as an athlete and a happy human. Coste's Freediving experience has been a big part of REVIBE's Flow to the Ocean Program and his knowledge about safety and ocean adaptation is shared and applied in all our courses and activities. RICARDO URBINA: Focused on optimal performance in endurance sports, Urbina has dedicated the past 15 years to training, racing, coaching, and participating in World Championship level endurance sports, such as Triathlon, Running, Open Water Swimming, and Prone Paddling. Driven and disciplined, "Turbina" for Turbine, as some of his friends call him, approaches challenges by setting goals and committing to comprehensive training plans. He qualified and raced the Ironman World Championship in Kona 4X and has prone paddled across channels and large bodies of water, including the Catalina Channel (California), Channel of Bones (Hawaii), and Monterey Bay (California). He has also guided some of the best open-water swimmers in the world during their record-breaking long-distance endeavors. Most recently he had dedicated his training to freediving and big wave surfing. Ricardo Urbina's knowledge and experience has been applied to the REVIBE Flow to the Ocean program because of the extreme situations he has been in, and has succesfully managed. DIRAN DEVLETIAN: Born in the beautiful Caribbean waters of Venezuela, Diran has an unmatched passion for the ocean and its conservation. D is an ultimate extreme sports fanatic and lover of the world. Those who know Diran call him the “barracuda” because he will never pass up an opportunity to jump in the water. As a teenager, D moved to Miami where he studied Finance at Florida International University…. He could not ignore his passion for adventure, however, and became a licensed PADI Divemaster. From there, he began working for Living Social as Senior Experience Coordinator and Senior Tour Guide. Being fluent in Spanish, English, and French Diran has lead groups in Mexico, Costa Rica, Venezuela, and Europe. He recently returned from Hawaii, where he led adventure and diving tours for seven months. After his time in Hawaii, Diran decided he wanted to take his adventure to the next level. Dr. CRISTOBAL RISQUEZ: Dr. Cristobal Risquez is a Pulmonary Critical Care doctor living in Miami. After finishing Medical School in Venezuela trained in internal medicine at Univ of Miami Jackson memorial, and later completed his Pulmonary Critical Care fellowship at New York Presbyterian Cornell in NYC. Was faculty at UT Memphis for 3 years, but couldn’t resist the call to live back close to the ocean. Water athlete at heart, experienced surfer, Kiteboarder and family man, Dr. Risquez is a firm believer in the benefits that breathwork and the adaptation tools taught in the FLOW TO THE OCEAN program has for someone interested in becoming a more versatile and resilient human being. "Cacholo" as we all call him, is responsible of all the science and research that our teams uses to measure, evaluate and optimize the performance of every member of the REVIBE community.